Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ministry continues!

Dear Friends,

If you haven't received  our newsletter updates, I wanted to clue you in on what has been going on at Akina recently.

Like the rest of the world, beginning in mid-March, we had to close Akina Kid's Club due to the Covid-19 outbreak.  While this has made us pretty sad, it blessedly hasn't stopped God's ministry!  We've been able, in some ways, to bring Akina and God's Word to the community.

We've been able to bring meals and care packages to families, every other Thursday since the outbreak began.  Volunteers and donors have created hand-made cards, purchased treats, baked cookies, made homemade soup, and so much more.  This included a large Easter bag giveaway the weekend of Easter.  Churches, schools, and individuals have stepped up to provide resources in the mighty name of Jesus!  We've been able to keep contact with families, pray for kids, and share devotions with them.

We've seen an uptick in activity on the Akina page, as we've live streamed church services and updated it with scriptures, songs, and devotions.  God is still working, even with the country shut down.

Regrettably, we have had to cancel the majority of our summer events, including our Nehemiah Fundraising Dinner.  However, we hope to bring that to you virtually, as soon as possible.  We'll keep you updated on that front.  Thank you all for your prayers and support.  I'm adding a few pictures to help you see what we've been doing!  Blessings!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Be Still and Know that He is God

"Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act." Psalm 37:7a

Many of us are in a "waiting" phase of our lives right now. Everything seems to be frozen in time, as plans are cancelled and we struggle to find a new normal.

This verse, then, is quite the encouragement.  It is teaching me that I can use this time to be still.  I can still my body, and my mind.  I can still my anxiety and come into the presence of God.  Now, instead of my own actions, I will have to trust in God, and wait for Him to act!

Our camp theme this year is going to be, "Be Still and Know that I am God." Now is the perfect time to practice that, as we hope and pray that camp will still happen.  But, above all, we know that we can trust the Lord, whatever the outcome.

I'm adding some camp pictures to the blog today, to remind us to pray for camp this year.

 Pray that all of us can be still in the presence of the Lord, as we place our trust in Him!

Monday, March 16, 2020

My Favorite Things (and ways YOU can help😉)

I'm sure most people know the classic song from The Sound of Music.  The chorus states: "When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad!"

That's actually kind of Biblical, although in times like these, Psalm 77 counsels us to think back on the great things God has done and be encouraged.

Check it out.  Psalm 77: 10- 12 says: "And I said, 'This is my fate:  the Most High has turned his hand against me. But then I recall all you have done, O Lord  I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts.  I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works." (The whole Psalm is pretty great.  You should read it.)

As we are quite disappointed that Akina might not be meeting for a few weeks, I'm posting several of my favorite "Akina things." These are pictures that are reminders of the fun and good God has accomplished in the past.  They are reminding me that he is not finished yet.  There is much more in store😀.

Also, we can SERVE the community in this time.  Keep your eyes peeled for small group, low exposure service opportunities happening in the next few weeks, including food service to doors of families, prepping meal bags, cleaning at Akina, etc.  This is the time servants of Christ can shine for Him!

PLUS- Save the date of May 15, at 7:00 for an amazing dinner and a chance to hear how YOU can help at Akina.  Looking forward to it😁!

Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, March 2, 2020

We Met Kyle Jorris!! (Among Other Really Cool Things!)

This past Saturday, we had the amazing opportunity to bring 8 kids, two teen chaperones, and some amazing leaders to an event called the "Kids XP."

I'm going to go out on a limb and admit I was a little nervous bringing kids to an all day event. However, it was better than I could have ever hoped for. We saw kids dancing in worship, laughing in joyful anticipation of the Word given, and having an amazing time.  Several kids that we brought even responded at the altar time. We were so blessed to be part of this event.

The Akina students really loved the speaker at the event named Kyle Jorris.  And no wonder! This kid was funny, an amazing puppeteer, and could ride a 9-foot unicycle while juggling machetes.  They loved him so much, that they begged to meet him after the show.

I, once again the downer, did not think we could, but wisely remained silent as one of our amazing leaders led the charge, and guess what?  He came out just for our group!  The whole way home, the kids kept saying, "We met Kyle Jorris!"

Thanks Minnesota District Council for the amazing scholarships, and chance to come.  This was amazing!

Monday, February 24, 2020

In Case You Were Wondering...

Hi Friends!
I don't have a whole bunch to report on regarding Akina last week, because our family had the DREADED influenza A last week (dum, dum, dum).  We were quarantined in our house until Friday.

However, for this week's blog, I thought I'd clarify a bit about who we are, and what we do.

We are the Pack Family and we have the distinct honor of serving amazing kids and families in the Native American Community in South Minneapolis.  We've served in the community for about 15 years, give or take.

Currently, we have an after school program that meets two nights a week. We, along with some amazing, creative and selfless volunteers get to: serve dinner, share the Gospel, and teach literacy and apologetics to these kids and families.  We mentor, have fun, play games, make crafts, etc.

Our motivation is to love kids and families, create community, speak life, and give HOPE in the name of Jesus.

That's the short version.  (For the long version, email me.  I'm scheduling appointments.😉)

I write this blog each week primarily to update our amazing partners with the goings-on of Kid's Club.  But if you like to hear a great, inspirational story or two, you are welcome to read along!  Plus, we are a lot of fun so you may just want to join us!  (Providing background check is clear.🤔🤗)

Many Blessings!

Monday, February 17, 2020

When God Uses Kids!

1 Timothy 4:12 "Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young.  Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."

Happy Valentine's Day from our family and Akina!  We had a smashing time sharing about the love of God last week, and discussing the story of how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.  (That story in itself is a profound lesson on the love of God, and how we can continue to trust Him even when we feel he's let us down.  But I digress...)

Standout Moments
Something you may not know about Akina was that when Kid's Club began,  the idea of ministering with kids, to kids, was at the forefront.  I witnessed why this such an amazing idea again, last week.

One student who comes to help volunteer with his mom really connected with a little guy who can be tough to work with.  At one moment this sweet kiddo got very angry and ran out of the room.  Undeterred, the 11 year old leader followed right behind.  As I approached the situation to monitor, I heard the older boy say, " You know, you won't get in trouble for feeling angry.  Everyone gets angry.  It's what you do with that anger that matters." The younger child, once inconsolable, listened quietly.

Woah.  The power of God at work in kids, to other kids.  We love it, and are humbled by it.  How amazing to see kids raised up, as leaders, ministering to other kids. Friendships are built, hearts are healed, students are discipled, people groups are brought together.

I'm adding some fun pictures of the night, so you can see what else happened on our Valentine's Night!  Thanks for your continued partnership and prayers!  They make the biggest difference!

Monday, February 10, 2020


Dan and I go to an awesome church on Sundays, called Emmanuel.  A few months in to when we began attending, the Pastor of the church, Dr. Nate Ruch, gave a sermon about the momuments people set up throughout the Bible, in remembrance of what God had done.

That message has stayed in our hearts and minds as we've continued at Akina, taking note of the amazing things God has done so that we can look back on those things when times get tough.

Dan reminded us about that message at the Akina Leadership Luau last Thursday, and we all took the opportunity to share "monument moments" from Kid's Club with each other.  It was a refreshing time to be with one another, and celebrate the goodness of God!

 I think that the Leadership Luau itself was another "monument" for us, as Dan and I thank the Lord for the amazing, selfless leaders who come to Akina.  They have a heart for the next generation, and a heart to see people know Jesus!

We are thanking God for our amazing leaders, and partners today!  Attached are some pictures of our amazing leaders in action!  We love you!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


     "Did you have a good time upstairs?" I asked one of our amazing, world changing leaders, after she had led her small group study upstairs.
"I don't know," she replied, slightly concerned.  Looking at one of the kiddos in her group, she asked, "Do you think there was too much Bible time tonight?"
"Psh.  No!" The girl responded walking away.
The kids here are truly understanding that God's Word is LIFE!

 I'll say this a billion times because it is a huge part of our passion: reading proficiency and Biblical literacy go hand in hand.
On a personal note, I've been in a "season of stretching" for a while now.  Being in uncomfortable, anxiety inducing situations takes a toll on me!  But what brings me through, EVERY time, is the life giving Word of God.
  It reminds me that God is for me (and you!) and his Word will always breathe life into my weary soul. His Word will point out what is wrong and lovingly restore!
 We are glad for God's life giving Word at Akina.  His Word will never fail!

Monday, January 27, 2020

Sin Hurts, but God's Rules Heal

Sin hurts, but God's rules heal.  That is such a simple, yet difficult reality!  That has been our big idea at Kid's Club these last few weeks.  Many kids at Akina see first hand how much sin hurts, as drugs, alcohol, and violence have affected many families.

So, we talked about the beauty of God's rules.  We talked about what they are and how they are designed to help us love others and take care of ourselves.

We wrote the Ten Commandments on stones, and it was spectacular to see the kids reaction as they learned them.  I could best describe it as though they were little sponges, soaking up the words of God!  They could repeat them that night, and even the next week!

God is doing amazing things.  We are always looking for more leaders who are interested in mentoring, teaching, food, or clean up.  This is an amazing mission field.  Email if you'd like to come check out Akina!